Thursday, June 29, 2017

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Kosciuszko Reccy

Last Weekend Walter and Paul Made a reconnaissance of the Snowy Mountains leg of the Lowest to Highest ride. The road surface was excellent gut it was way steeper than we expected! Nonetheless, we think a 1 in 4 hill is well cycle-able for five wonky blokes!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Abseil Tasmania's Gordon Dam

A big cheers goes out to Aardvark Adventures have just offered an abseil off the 140m Gordon Dam for supporting our Pozible campaignAbseiling at the Gordon Dam has been included in the Top 10 Adrenaline activities in the world today, along with rafting the Zambesi River, bungee jumping in South Africa, and the X Roller Coaster at Six Flags, California!

The Dam is several metres higher than the Sydney Harbour Bridge (134m), and holds back thirty times the amount of water in the Harbour itself. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Southern Cross News

Check out the Southern Cross News this Sunday the 11th June for a story and interview with Duncan Meerding and Paul Pritchard who will be riding a Greenspeed tandem trike for 30 to 40 days! Who will crack first?

Friday, June 2, 2017

"What could possibly go wrong?"

Duncan is blind,
Conrad can’t bend,
Walter can’t breathe,
Daniel can’t walk,
Paul.... well, how long do you have?

It’s simple:  This film is ultimately about five friends with varying disabilities driven by humour and adventure. HELP make the documentary a reality and look at our tempting Pozible fundraiser.

Lowest to Highest Australia  - The A Team??

Challenging (dis)ability through Adventure

An expedition comprising of 5 people with significant disabilities riding human powered tricycles from Australia’s geographical lowest point...